Thursday 17 March 2016

Visual Language - Form, Flow Force - The Little Mermaid

Disney are reknowned for the intense life drawing session they put their animators through. I decided to look into The Little Mermaid.

The process in which they managed to capture the smooth and slightly realistic movements of the characters were through a series of clips. The Director and Animators had a young woman act out each scene in order to create a detailed and accurate reference point.

The animations compared to the original clips the animators worked from seem a little silly. However, they manage to capture the fluid movements successfully by paying attention to the line of action played out through the scene.

After researching into this process, I have learnt that this is a useful technique. By filming actions, you have constant reference material that can be repeated and drawn from however many times. I will apply this technique in the future when creating fluid movements in animation.

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