Thursday 17 March 2016

Model Making - Captain Character

This is my wire armature. I opted to use thicker wire in order to create a strong base to build on top of because my character would end up weighing a lot, due to the large mass of his body. I referred consistently to my initial sketch, where I had mapped out where sections of wire would meet other sections, and also where the Milliput would have to be in order to secure the joints.

Because I was made to add screws to the feet in order to attach them onto a board, I had to adjust the size of the feet compared to my character designs.

I created a circle for the head to attach to in a sturdy way.

Here, I built on top of my wire structure with foam. Foam is light yet sturdy, and makes for a great base to build on top of further. I added masking tape for the plastersine to stick to.

Here, I added textured sticky plaster shit to ensure the plastersine will stick to it. I also used it as a way to bulk out certain areas.

Before adding detail I created a base layer of plastercine to create the overall shape of my characters face.

I created glasses out of some spare wire, however I found it difficult to create them so small and perfectly round. I ended up created little eye holes because the character looked too weird without them. If I were to make this properly and wiht he correct materials, I would create glasses that blocked out the eyes to keep with my designs. I added a little bit f pink plastersine to the cheeks and nose to keep with the colours I had given my character. I also added individual strands of hair. I also attempted to use plastersine to shape the body. I was initially going to use the plastersine as the clothes, however I saw this as an opportunity to experiment with creating miniature clothes for future reference. I found it difficult to smooth out the body as it was cold.

Here, is my character fully finished. I used felt for his clothes because other fabrics I had looks at were too soft and wouldn't stick to the plastersine, and I wanted to be able to slightly mould the fabric around his figure and create wrinkles. I had to improvise his shoes and create big bulky ones to cover up the screws and milliput.

Overall, I found this work shop helpful, however, I would like to create a proper armature suitable for animating in the future.

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