Friday 23 October 2015

Studio Brief 3 - Explore - Squash and Stretch Practice (Flippin' 'eck)

This was my first try at making a ball bounce using a flip book. I ended up sticking two flip books together because I didn't think through how long it would take me to make a full cycle of the ball bouncing. I found the finish result to be okay for my first try. I decided I needed to work on creating speed, and further squashing and stretching the ball.

Here is my second attempt.  I made the flip book shorter, faster and used less frames. I think I made the ball a lot more life-like, in the sense that the ball squashes and stretches a lot nicer than my first attempt. However the ball seems to be quite flat, and hard in the flip-book. This is because I didn't exagerate the squash and stretch principle.

This was my final experimentation with squashing and stretching the ball. Here I decided to exagerrate the form of the ball in order to communicate the rubber texture of the ball. I made the frames fewr, in order to give a rapid motion to the ball, and to impact the overall action.

Overall, I found this exercise benefitial, and I feel like I have an understanding on the 12 principles of animations through this basic task.

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