Thursday 15 October 2015

Studio Brief 2 - Nursery Rhyme Story board - Development Process

After reviewing my initial post-it note Storyboard, I decided to develop, in detail, two shots that I wasn't happy with.

Here are the two shots that I developed first. I wasn't happy with how the tree looked initially, because it didn't really fit in with the overall style of the story board. I developed the tree by looking at various reference photos of twisted, baron trees. I was happy with the look, however I wanted the scenery to be more clear.

The second shot that I developed was the first shot of the baby swaying in the tree. I added black ink to make the image clear, and fully show what would be happening. I feel like I successfully created dimension, direction and perspective in this drawing. I made the camera angle more clear by adding a large arrow, that fits in with the dimension of the shot to add more perspective.

I wasn't happy with how I drew the branch snapping, so on the left, I re-drew the branch using reference photos again. I managed to add tension using shading and action lines. I preferred my ink drawing because it was more clear.

Because I liked the back ink, I redrew more shots and used a fine liner to define the lines further. I was happy with how the black ink looked initially, however the lines and pictures started to look messy, so i was undecided on if I would use black ink or not in my final story board.

Here, I developed my style further by doing brief character design. I refered to artists and cartoons that I had previously looked at, for example, the detailed gruesome shots from Ren and Stimpy and Mike Ploog's style in his storyboards. 

on the right, I went in the different direction with my style. I designed the baby to be more simplistic and less detailed. I decided to stick with this in my final storyboard to add to the weird style that I was aiming for.

Here I roughly redrew some shots further. The vertigo shot on the left was a lot better than my orignal because I centralised the image and clearly showed direction. I also redrew the shot of the bird looking over the baby, singing. I prefer this shot so I will use this one for my final story board.

Here I redrew the final few shots. I decided to add more of a comical vibe to this part, which in turn led me to adding more shots. These are very rough shots, however they were clear to me, and translated my idea well for further development.

Over all, I found my development extremely helpful in working towards my final storyboard.

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